2 Years ago today I started this website! You know how people say that they can't believe so much time has passed in regards to something? Well that is absolutely true here, I cant believe its been two years. Seriously.
Originally this site had been a personal blog, except I only had one post (About my friend breaking her collar bone in Roller Derby) that I had done about a year previously...and then it just sat and, as blogs sometimes tend to do, it didn't go anywhere.
Then one day I was scouring the internet for a good website about The Weird West. I came across at least one, Steampunk Central which I had been to before. It was from Steampunk Central that I had first heard of the Legend TV series. At the time I re-found it however, the site was closed down, shuttered up, just a bunch of broken links.
Everything else I found online were either pictures, or reviews of Weird West/Western Steampunk media. A few of the movies on these lists got me on the road to the Weird West. Movies like Billy the Kid vs. Dracula and The Valley of Gwangi were some of my first exposure to the genre:
...and of course Wild Wild West:
....but those lists weren't what I was looking for. I was looking for something more comprehensive. Something like Paul Green's Encyclopedia of Weird Westerns except online. So I decided to start the website on my own.
I just reached 50 followers! I wanted to thank each and every one of you for finding my little website interesting enough to bookmark and revisit on occasion. I know the Emporium has been a little quiet lately, unfortunately real life tends to get in the way sometimes, but I'm not going anywhere and the Emporium isn't closing anytime soon (You'll be the first to know if it ever does). Expect some new posts soon. There will be one tomorrow and then maybe one or two next week, but Ill try to keep the posting on my normal non-semi-regular schedule.
Until then however here's to many more years of Weird West Emporium goodness, and Yippee ki-yay, Mamma Jamma!
Congratulations! Even though you don't post that regularly, I always check in because I love what you're doing!
Thank you Cory, that's very nice of you too say :D
Happy anniversary! Here's to many years to come!
Thank you Shonokin, and thank you for the head's up on those great Weird West items :D
Here's hopin things get busier after C&A comes out this summer and cheers, Mark!
:fingerscrossed: :D Thanks Ashe! Truth be told there's plenty of Weird West goodness out there now, its just a matter of finding it all and writing about it. This site could be busier now, I just need to find the time to do it :)
Indeed. Also, I forgot to ask where you found that awesome zombie MWNN and where I can get more.
I dont know about getting more, but i came across it somewhere and tracked it down to here:
I think its from the MWNN comic series...although I dont know if the book itself has anything to do with zombies :)
/\ Hmm, it looks like you'll have to cut and paste the URL.
Speaking of tracking down Weird West goodness, I just watched Warrior's Way. I think that's the most fun movie I've seen in a while.
It's kinda got that Zack Snider "everythings been processed" look to it, but it works for this. Makes it have an otherworldly appearance without any pretense of being overly cool.
The story is pretty predictable but the action and humor are great. Very entertaining!
Yeah, it's a western comic. A pseudo-sequel. I have it on my torrent queue.
Congratulations on the big 5-0, Mark. Keep 'em coming!
Thank you Ed, I certainly plan too:D
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