Sometime contributor and friend of the Weird West Emporium, Ashe Armstrong, has started a Weird West group on Deviantart.
I have to admit, I haven't flirted much with the site. Its great for looking up pictures and such of my current obsessions, or for images for the Emporium, and even professionals post their work there. Looking for a certain picture online tends too be eased by going to the artists page on Deviantart and seeing if the picture in question was posted there.....Its hit or miss, but there's no denying that the site plays host some REALLY talented artists.
The weird West group is small right now, but its growing...and the work that's there shows the high quality and talent I was speaking of previously.
This is what Ashe has to say about it:
Over on deviantart, [I've] started a Weird West group, http://theweirdwest.deviantart.com/. It's still in its infancy but come check it out and if you have a dA account, join up and help it grow!
So far I'm liking what I'm seeing, You folks should head on over and check out the group....and if you happen to be part of the site, well..you know what to do!
Shit, I just realized I forgot to put a link up here on the group page. WHOOPS!
Didn't I include the link?
Er, I meant from the group to HERE. I took care of it earlier, sorry haha.
No Problem I'm just glad I didn't screw something up ;)
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