For your weekend reading pleasure I present a short story by Joe R Lansdale, arguably one of the masters of the Weird Western. Sort of picking up where the his novel Dead in the West left off, Dead Man's Road follows the adventures of Reverend Jebediah Mercer (Or Raines, depending on the story you are reading) as he fights a nightmarish walking corpse animated by a live hornet's nest in its chest.
Also, Subterranean Press just announced that Dead in the West, Dead Man's Road, and 3 other of the Reverends adventures (included a never before published "novelette") are going to be collected later this year into a book called Deadman’s Road
As I hear more about that I'll keep you informed, but until then, the next adventure of Reverend Mercer (Raines) begins HERE
This is most excellent news!
I agree! I'm always up for new Weird West (and Western in general) content...Especially from Lansdale :D
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