I was searching the internet for Cowboys and Aliens news and came across some cowboys and aliens of a different kind; a film called Roswell 1847. Its a British production from Super Team Films that was made a few years ago, and its big selling point is that it has Norman Lovett who played Holly in the superior British TV series Red Dwarf in the late 80s/early 90s. Too bad THIS film looks so terrible. I'm not just talking about production values, although that's a big factor, but the writing looks bad, the acting over-acted, and cheap video game graphics can really only go so far.
I read a review on IMDB that gushed about how good it was and that the reviewer and his whole family simply loved it (it was a "Good clean family film"!).....which might explain why it looks so dumb, and doesn't look the least bit compelling.
A century before the infamous 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, four English settlers discover that things in this dusty southwestern town were strange from the very beginning. The year is 1847. Englanders in search of a new future are flocking to the Americas. Unfortunately, some will wander off the beaten path on their way to California. When four weary travelers mistakenly wind up in Roswell, they begin to suspect that the tight-lipped locals are harboring a secret.
Yes, Ive seen some bad Weird Westerns, but at least some of them tried....was that Whiskey in those shot glasses...or urine? (Sorry, yeah I went there)....
In all fairness I should mention that their website says they won 3 awards at the LA Film Festival, including the Grand Jury Prize....this may be a case of the trailer makes a not bad film look crappy....because it certainly does.
It has a definite low-budget British vibe to it... If the aliens turned out to be 70's vintage Daleks, I wouldn't be suprised.
70s vintage Daleks would actually make it good.
It does look fun, I'd watch it.
A Brit western and It sucks !!! Superteam Productions must make films to lose money for tax write offs. No way they could ever think this trash would sell.
Ian Paterson has to be below the level of ED Wood. Oh my God they guy can't make a film you can stand more than 2 min of yukers.
It's now on youtube, I watched the whole film and after I researched as much as I could, yes very low budget (almost none) but then if you think no budget and I enjoyed it, then it's not so bad.
In fact how much does a film have to cost before we can say it's not crappy low budget? If you enjoy a film it shouldn't matter what it cost to make? 4 stars from me.
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