I hate to admit it, but I didn't give Deadwalkers much of a chance when I came across the trailer a few months ago on Youtube. It felt somewhat cheap, amateurish, and the deep "I'm so sinister so this must be a scary movie" narration didn't really help things. I just figured it was done by a bunch of cowboy actors looking to make a Zombie pic.
My opinion was based solely on its trailer:
Then I came across an article in Rue Morgue Magazine that said not only is the film winning a bunch of awards on the film festival circuit, but that its actually quite good! So I looked back into it and I came to a new conclusion...these people put there blood, sweat, and tears into this film and I say Good for them! I just wish Id given them the proper chance at the time. But don't make the same mistake I did.....check out the Production Blog, which has videos and links to some articles, and their Youtube channel, which has some behind the scenes videos and a funny Thriller parody! Also their Facebook Page has photos and other stuff. You can also become a fan and get updates on their travels and progress.
This film should be supported not only for what they were able to accomplish on such a low budget, but for everyone else trying to do the same thing and not finding an easy time of it.
The Official word on Dead Walkers is this:
Bounty hunter and gunman Jack Link has a knack for trouble, but when he stumbles into a town cursed with the undead, he might have bit off more than he can chew. Deadwalkers is a 13min short film by Spencer Estabrooks.
Looks like a video game.
Hope I'm wrong.
You mean sort of like that old laserdisc game Mad Dog McCree that they used to have at Teddy Berra's Swingin' Arcade? Yeah...I hope it isn't like that too...
Well it is only 13 minutes, so even if it is bad...
It was a problem I faced when I reviewed Pendragon's War of the Worlds. One wants to support no-budget filmmakers and their genre films but, sometimes, they really are just genuinely bad. We'll have to see about this...
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