So one of the bigger Weird West properties out there, that I haven't talked about yet (mostly because I don't know anything about it) has been Deadlands. From what I can gather, its the granddaddy of Weird Western RPGs. The term "Weird West" was even coined by them. I'm certain there has been a select group of people who have come to the Emporium expecting it to be a Deadlands site....but alas, I'm sorry to disappoint. I do hope they have found other things here to scratch their Weird West itch however!
Recently though, Deadlands has ventured into Comics. Before they had a series of Anthology Books called the Trilogy with No Name, that you can read about HERE.
Now, they have a growing series of One-Shot Comics. The First of them being The Devils Six Gun by David Gallaher & Steve Ellis:
In classic Faustian tradition, a weapons maker comes to America to pursue the American dream in the former colonies. Instead, he becomes immersed in plots and manipulations to gain unearthly power though the supernatural Ghost Rock. His goal? To make a gun that can kill anything, including the powerful Hellstromme! Its a journey that will cost him everything he loves, including his soul!
That sounds pretty darn cool! I would be tempted to run out and get this, but the whole series might be collected soon after the last one is published, so I can wait...maybe.
Next Up was Massacre at Red Wing by the writers of DC Comic's excellent Jonah Hex series Jimmy Palmiotti, Justin Gray & Lee Moder:
Clementime is a young woman, a shaman, with a tragic past and a mysterious destiny. She's on a quest to learn the truth of her family and to seek vengeance against the man who ruined her life...her father. A tale of mysticism and mayhem by the writing team of Jonah Hex.
Last week, the next book came out Death was Silent:
A silent bounty hunter rides into a remote town, but the town holds dark secrets that may turn the hunter into the hunted.
And last on the list (At least as far as I know) is a book by the excellent Steve Niles and Francesco Francavilla called Hopeless Roads:
Masters of the macabre and noire, Steve Niles and Francesco Francavilla tell a frightening tale of a family who must struggle against overwhelming odds in the barren Deadlands of the Old West!
If I get a chance, Ill try and pick up Death was Silent and give you guys a report...until then however, you can see art from of the released books at the links above. As I learn more about about Deadlands Ill do more posts about it. Like Joe R. Lansdale, no respectable Weird West site is complete without SOMETHING involving Deadlands. Of course Deadlands is Hardly the only Weird West RPG out there.
There is also Stuart Robertson's RPG Weird West, and it's quite easy to pick up and play from what Ive heard. Ive been meaning to report on this, and will soon, but until then you can read about it HERE.
Oo, interesting. I've always heard of Deadlands myself as well, but never actually invested anything in it. I'll have to see if I can find these comics.
I keep waiting to be able to FIND this as it's been out since July. Frustrating.
I have all the Deadlands books in PDFs (save the anthology stuff) and I've even given the game a go but our DM sucked ass. It is a fantastic came and the makers even encourage you, in the books, to change the rules to your liking. Very freeing and LOTS of fun options. One of my favorite aspects of character creation is the Hindrances. Basically, roleplaying character flaws that, if done with gusto, will net you bonuses from the DM.
FYI, there was a DC comic "Weird Western Tales" that started in '72, 24 years prior to Deadlands.
Yes I know :D Unfortunately it wasn't the anthology I was hoping it would be. It focused more on DC Characters like Jonah Hex and Scalphunter. Although Vertigo released a Weird Western Tales in 2001 that WAS an Anthology. Im planning on doing a post about it eventually.
There was also Western Tales of Terror which came out in 2006. As soon as I get my hands on all of the issues I want do a post about that one also.
I saw in a comment you made on this post:
(a couple of years ago) ;)
That you have once been to Disney sea in tokyo and was lucky to get the 20000 leages under the sea story-sheet !
Is that something you still have ? and would you be able to mail me some hi-def pictures of this. I have searched for this particularly paper for a long time :-)
i would be very grateful. many thanks.
best regards, Emil
Absolutely! Where can I send them? :D
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