It was fortunate that they released the new international poster for Cowboys and Aliens today. I was planning on posting a trailer commentary that Jon Favreau did and now I can kill two birds with one stone!
I love the new poster, I think I actually like it more than the first one. It feels like its in the vein of the original except that the "Cowboy" is clearly Daniel Craig now. I'm also liking it's style with the silhouetted figure rimmed with light, I hope all of the characters get posters like this!
If you click the image above you can see a bigger version!
Also, a couple weeks ago, MTV sat down Jon Favreau and had him do commentary on the trailer. There is some interesting stuff here as he talks about the film and some of his thoughts on certain decision he's made.
On another level, its interesting that MTV is doing this. As far as I know they haven't had other directors commentate on their trailers....Is it possible? A hotly anticipated Weird Western? I dont think there's any doubt about that, the trailer has surely caused a splash.
Personally I think this film is going to be huge, and will quite possibly reinvigorate not only the Western (as I'm certain True Grit might do too) but the Weird Western as well as studios start rushing to get that Cowboys and Aliens money. Lets just hope it does fall into a pit of crappy cheaply made films (we have enough of those already) but only time will tell...Until then enjoy!
I think you might be right. And lord knows I'm getting more and more excited for this as we go along. I finally read the comic too and I gotta say, I think the movie's gonna be better.
Yeah, I was majorly disappointed with the comic. So far the trailer is nothing like it, so yipee! :D
Hi. This movie does look cool, but it's been a big couple of months for weird western fiction ("The Buntline Special" by Resnick, "Deadman's Road" by Lansdale, "The Half-Made World" by Gilamn)... How about some book reviews? I know you're not hugely into reading, but these three books look exciting!
They do! And there's a lot of other stuff out there too, its just getting around to posting about them. I try to keep The Emporium regularly updated but sometimes I'm juggling a few things at once.
Unfortunately Dead Man's Road is sold out (It must have been a limited run, dang) so I don't know if I'll be able to get to it (I hate when they do that). The Buntline Special I'm looking to get to eventually, and I'm still on the fence about whether Half-Made World is Weird West since I try and stick to stories that take place in the 1800s. Sorry about seeming to focus so much on Cowboys and Aliens, I try not to double post. Also, though, I'm always up for guest reviews if you know anyone who has any.
My friend is reading Ed Erdelac's Merkabah Rider books and he says they are fantastic, if you are looking for something to pick up right now ;)
Judging from this trailer I can see Favreau has created the feel of an authentic Western Mark. It is impossible to tell if the story is strong enough to work as a film from these few minutes of footage but the signs look good.
"True Grit" also looks impressive so hopefully we'll see renewed interest in the Western genre. Quality directors make all the difference.
I hope so to, Paul, every review Ive read of True Grit says its the best film of the year. But then 3:10 to Yuma was great and it didn't do business at the box office; it is a major cult classic. I hate to think that even great films get looked over by the general public because of there genre.
Half-Made World is alright... I kind of stopped reading my review copy about a third of the way through so I could attend to some actual job-related research (on the Canadian fur trade, actually... nice inspiration for some "Weird Northerns" right there). It's definitely accumulating a collection of adjectives as a Fantasy Steampunk novel in a Weird West-style setting.
The Buntline Special is surprisingly good. I'll be doing a fuller review for my Wild West month next year, but the short form is that it's a sly pisstake on Steampunk. Evertything is literally coated in brass and the characters look like they're just getting back from a convention, but nothing deviates from the historical facts of the Gunfight at the OK Corral. In a sense, it is all style.
It did succeed in making me interested in the historical Gunfight, and through it I finally watched Tombstone, which has some excellent moustaches.
I might pass on Half-Made World, while it does seem Weird West-y it also feels like too much of a mish mash of different styles. Plus it takes place in another universe (I think, right?) I like to keep my Weird Westerns 1800s Earth based :D
...but I'm VERY interested in the Buntline Special, I'm glad to hear its good; Ill look forward to your review! I also want to buck up and finally read Ed Erdelac's Merkabah Rider books. A friend of mine has read them both and says they are spectacular!
Once I finish with my fur trade reading, I may or may not finish Half-Made World (I feel like I have to more than I want to) and then it will probably be onto my review copy of Flaming Zeppelins, which I am pretty stoked about.
Flaming Zeppelins! I didn't realize it was out already...crap, I still need to read Flaming London!
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