There has been so so SO much Undead Nightmare material from Red Dead Redemption that has come out lately (about an average of 2 to 3 things a day for the past month) that Ive been hesitant to post anything quite yet for fear of this site becoming the Red Dead Emporium! ...but with the impending release of the game just one day away (Oct 26, i.e. tomorrow) the time has come...
Undead Nightmare is basically an alternate story that diverges from the main story of Red Dead Redemption. It takes place during the "Home" period when John Marston, having finished his obligations to the government, returns home to be with his family and start his farm. However things aren't as he remembers them.
This game looks insane! Someone described it as being like a movie set where, during the day everyone is shooting a stright forward Western, but at night a crazy director comes in a shoots a bad ass Zombie Horror Western using the same cast and crew and thats exactly what this seems like; a completely separate story that uses the same characters.
This is going to more than satisfy my Weird West lust the way that Red Dead satisfied my desire for an open world sandbox game (ever since I played Gun...which is very much an open world Western game in the vein of Red Dead but at much smaller scope.)
The game also has an insane Multiplayer feature. Its called Undead Overrun and its basically stay alive for wave after wave of zombies. Everyone IS going to die, just how long can you prevent it from happening!
They revealed some mythical creatures as well. My favorites being the 4 Horses of the Apocalypse!

There are also new weapons, 4 New classes of Zombies, new in-game challenges and achievements....its practically a whole new game (wrapped in a bundle of Weird West awesomeness)!
Plus anyone who doesn't own the original Red Dead Redemption will have a chance to buy Undead Nightmare as a stand alone game in about a month....and Ill keep everyone informed as to the date when its announced.
But until then, there's more information than I could possible post at the Official Undead Nightmare site. There are videos, TONS of pictures, and a full description of the game. More than enough to keep you occupied until the impending Zombie Apocalypse....
...which starts tomorrow, btw...
Now if you could PLAY as a gun-toting Sasquatch riding the Horse of Death, my brain would 'splode with joy.
My girlfriend got me turned on to playing Red Dead Redemption now, on her 360, but she asserts that she's not getting Undead Nightmare. Looks like I've got some convincing to do...
Oh dear sweet gods of the west...it's even more glorious than I imagined. Now if only the success would prompt them to do a Red Dead game that's is ALL weird west, start to finish with more than just zombies. I mean, we need some mad scientists and demons and necromancers up in here!
Cory - Is it because she thinks Zombies would ruin the awesome realism of RDR (like a lot of anti Undead Nightmare people feel) or is she just scared of Zombies? :D
Ashe - My feelings completely! They ARE releasing the stand alone of this, which (from what I gather) is essentially a Weird West stand alone game because you don't need RDR to play it. The disc also has the previous DLCs so I'm thinking its Undead Nightmare as the main game then you can play multiplayer in the regular RDR. Although how awesome would it be to play Multiplayer in the Undead world??? THAT would be a Kick Ass Weird Western Pack! :D
Oh I am quite happy they're doing that. Rockstar could singlehandedly bring about popularity for Weird Western games and get that Deadlands MMO up and going. What I'm basically saying is I want a game like RDR, just in a completely weird west setting. Not JUST zombies. Mostly there, I worry about zombies going the way of vampires but I think if they hired someone (read: me) to come up with the world and the story, it would be amazing.
Is there supposed to be a Deadlands MMO?? That would be amazing (I think, I've never played the RPG)
I was thinking if they ever did another supernatural DLC, it might be fun to fight Aliens (with Cowboys and Aliens coming out) imagine Mars Attacks in the Old West? John would get a laser at some point and could ride an Alien mount :D
Nah, she's not against it on principle (seriously, people think RDR is high realism?!). She just doesn't want to bother getting the credits to buy it ^_^
However, she does work in video game retail (gawd, I'm dating a gamer... I fought hard not to become a Fallout: New Vegas widow), and has been mentioning the hard copy you're talking about. It would be the "game of the year" edition, which would include the original RDR and all the download content.
Deadlands as an MMO has been rumored for a couple of years. Doesn't hurt that the guy who created it left the company in 2008 to work on an indisclosed MMO and that if you go to the site of the guys who made Stargate Worlds, there's a western themed page reading:
Superstition Studios, LLC is in the process of developing an unannounced game based on an established intellectual property. This studio will focus on the following:
* Genre-themed MMORPG games with a built in fan base
* Intellectual properties with a presence in multiple media outlets
* Innovations that allow gamers to have a more permanent impact on their in-game environments and societies
Add that to the fact that Red Dead has done so goddamn well, Undead Nightmare is going to up that ante quite a bit and there are NO (I've checked) western mmos on the market and I think it's a fair assumption. It would also make a shit ton of money.
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