From out of a past that ne'er was comes a compendium of adventures and nightmares in an Old West where Monsters, Aliens, Dinosaurs, and Giant Steam Powered Machines fit nicely into the very same saddle bag.
A Quick post today to remind everyone who didn't already know that DC/Vertigo's American Vampire, written by Stephen King and Scott Snyder, was released last week. I haven't had a chance to pick it up yet, but it is most definitely on my To Do list this weekend (providing it isn't sold out)...
The Daily Beast has provided a spectacular 4 page preview and, right off the bat, Rafael Albuquerque's art work is spectacular.
For your weekend reading pleasure I present a short story by Joe R Lansdale, arguably one of the masters of the Weird Western. Sort of picking up where the his novel Dead in the West left off, Dead Man's Road follows the adventures of Reverend Jebediah Mercer (Or Raines, depending on the story you are reading) as he fights a nightmarish walking corpse animated by a live hornet's nest in its chest.
Also, Subterranean Press just announced that Dead in the West, Dead Man's Road, and 3 other of the Reverends adventures (included a never before published "novelette") are going to be collected later this year into a book called Deadman’s Road
As I hear more about that I'll keep you informed, but until then, the next adventure of Reverend Mercer (Raines) begins HERE
I was searching the internet for Cowboys and Aliens news and came across some cowboys and aliens of a different kind; a film called Roswell 1847. Its a British production from Super Team Films that was made a few years ago, and its big selling point is that it has Norman Lovett who played Holly in the superior British TV series Red Dwarf in the late 80s/early 90s. Too bad THIS film looks so terrible. I'm not just talking about production values, although that's a big factor, but the writing looks bad, the acting over-acted, and cheap video game graphics can really only go so far.
I read a review on IMDB that gushed about how good it was and that the reviewer and his whole family simply loved it (it was a "Good clean family film"!).....which might explain why it looks so dumb, and doesn't look the least bit compelling. A century before the infamous 1947 UFO crash in Roswell, New Mexico, four English settlers discover that things in this dusty southwestern town were strange from the very beginning. The year is 1847. Englanders in search of a new future are flocking to the Americas. Unfortunately, some will wander off the beaten path on their way to California. When four weary travelers mistakenly wind up in Roswell, they begin to suspect that the tight-lipped locals are harboring a secret.
Yes, Ive seen some bad Weird Westerns, but at least some of them tried....was that Whiskey in those shot glasses...or urine? (Sorry, yeah I went there)....
In all fairness I should mention that their website says they won 3 awards at the LA Film Festival, including the Grand Jury Prize....this may be a case of the trailer makes a not bad film look crappy....because it certainly does.
Dread Central is reporting that the DVD for the SyFy movie High Plains Invaders is coming out on DVD April 6th, and I for one am fairly excited! Yes, its a TV movie, and yes its a SyFy TV movie, but it looks like it could be fun.....I had found a clip from the opening of the film (which I can't seem to find now) that was surprising violent, and just look at the DVD cover, Its clearly going to be a bloody good time!
Here's the official word on the film: The hanging of honorable Indian fighter Sam Phoenix in a small Western town is cut short by the unexpected invasion of uranium-based insectoid creatures, forcing Sam and a small band of survivors to take refuge in a church. They'll need more than a prayer and a pistol to survive as the Wild West landscape is inundated by a killer force of alien pioneers.
You can pre order the DVD HERE, but personally Im going to rent it first. As we all know its hard to find good Weird West movies right now....I'd prefer knowing this was good before adding it to my collection.
Heres a Russian video I found on Youtube (Google translates it as Aliens in the Wild West) with bits of that violent beginning and other parts of the film, all in Russian, but you'll get the idea!
Spoiler Warning, the video reveals important plot points in the story, including the ending, watch at your own risk!